Your Resource For Becoming a Bestselling Author!

Write, produce, and publish your bestselling book!


Your Resource For Becoming a Bestselling Author!

Write, produce, and publish your bestselling book!


What Self-Publishing Center is:

An authentic small company with the singular goal of helping people from all walks of life publish their first book.

A budget-friendly self-publishing option containing everything needed to go from idea to published book.

A resource for self-publishers to easily produce and publish a book without reinventing the wheel.

What Self-Publishing Center is not:

A large company with a profit-first goal.

An expensive self-publishing option with lots of big promises.

The Founder’s Story

Erik Seversen wasn’t a great student growing up, but he loved to write. Beginning as a teenager, he wrote short stories and experiences from his life. These were often on scraps of paper and often left unfished as he moved on to the next adventure before completing the narratives.

In his 40s, Erik began compiling the true-first person narratives that he had written. He then began finishing those not completed and writing out other true first-person narratives about his life adventures. These narratives ended up becoming the book, Ordinary to Extraordinary, published in 2018.

As the book took off, Erik was asked to do more and more public speaking appearances, leading him to leave his executive position within a company to speak full time. This was January 2020, and the speaking went well until COVID-19 caused the cancelation all of his speaking engagements. This drove Erik back into books.

Since 2020, Erik has completed two solo books, Explore and The Magical Lightness of Being as well as 12 co-authored book projects each dealing with mindset, success, and peak performance. Every single one of these became an Amazon bestseller.

Erik is a Ted X speaker, university lecturer, and adventurer who has reached over one million people with his public speaking and live courses. He’s visited 95 countries around the world and all 50 states in the USA. Erik’s goal is to change the world, and he realizes that story is one of the best ways to do this. Erik’s mission is now to help other people change the world through their stories by helping them write, produce, and publish their own books. As a start, he’s helped over 300 people become bestselling authors.

To see more about Erik Seversen, see his Website and LinkedIn profile.

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What Prior Authors Have to Say about Erik

“I recently worked with Erik… That experience was one of the best I’ve had in my entire career.”

- Danny P. Creed
Executive Development Coach
Phoenix, Arizona

“Erik is in a professional class all his own. He puts people and services before the bottom line.”

- Laura Eiman
Gold Medal, Olympic Weightlifting
Boston, Massachusetts

“Erik has an amazing way of bringing amazing people together in a way that helps them shine brighter together.”

- Clifford Starks
UFC Fighter, Leadership Coach
Phoenix, Arizona

“The words: TOTAL PRO in Wikipedia has Erik Seversen’s picture next to it.”

- Mary Gardner
Keynote Speaker, Executive Trainer
Orlando, Florida

“Erik is someone every author dreams of working with.”

- Deb Lewis
Colonel USA Ret
Hilo, Hawaii

“Erik is a great motivator and it was a great pleasure working with him.”

- Gennaro Setola
TEDx Speaker, Peak Performance Coach
Pesaro, Italy

Write, produce, and publish your bestselling book! 

Have you ever dreamt of seeing your name on a book cover? Of sharing your story with the world and inspiring others?

This "SELF-PUBLISHING CENTER COURSE" will equip you with the tools and strategies to turn your manuscript into a market-ready masterpiece. You'll learn:

  • From Idea to Completed Manuscript
  • From Manuscript to Published Book
  • Bestselling Book Launch Strategy

Write, produce, and publish your bestselling book! 

Have you ever dreamt of seeing your name on a book cover? Of sharing your story with the world and inspiring others?

This course, "WRITING YOUR BOOK," will equip you with the essential tools and strategies to turn your manuscript into a market-ready masterpiece. You'll learn:

  • From Idea to Completed Manuscript
  • From Manuscript to Published Book
  • Bestselling Book Launch Strategy

Books by Erik Seversen


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